CHAOSSCon + GrimoireCon Europe 2018

This year together with other Fedora folks we attended CHAOSSCon and GrimoireCon to meet the CHAOSS and GrimoireLab community and the tools used by several open source projects, communities, engineering teams to track and analyze their development activities, communities health, diversity, etc – same thing we want to do in Fedora.

This conference was held on February 2nd, in Brussels. They showed CHAOSS and GrimoireLab updates, use cases and practical workshop/s for developers, community managers, project managers, etc.


First part

The first part of the conference was dedicated to talks and lightning talks. In the beginning, they started with some CHAOSS and GrimoireLab updates, how to get started with CHAOSS, community health analytics and how to collaborate on extracting knowledge from Software Development data. Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona, Harish Pillay and Sean Goggins talked more about the software technical committee, building software for software development analytics, why is it important, how to structure, the prospector, the state of GrimoireLab, GHData etc. After the coffee break, they had more general talks starting with consolidating metrics on open source projects hosted at OW2, using GrimoireLab for Mozilla’s Community Analytics and a live demo. Raymond Paik, part of The Linux Foundation, talked about metrics in open source communities, what are we measuring and what do we do with the data, identifying the contributors and going beyond that, analyzing the numbers etc. The two last talks were related to CROSSMINER: Developer-centric knowledge mining from large open source software repositories and Promises and perils of identity merging. Ah, I forgot to mention The CHAOSS Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion. It was very interesting to know more about their existing work, challenges they had, their current status, next steps they will take etc.

Lightning talks

Lightning talks were very interesting as well. The first one was related to ideas for Prospector. Miguel talked about Bestiary: what is and why to use it. Remy DeCausemaker showed capstone projects as a vehicle for open source metrics he uses at Twitter. The last ones were about GHData and Hatstall. Short presentations but very helpful explaining new ideas or updates about the project.

Second part – Workshops

They had separated workshops in two rooms: the first one was about using GrimoireLab dashboards and the second one was analysts and developers. Unfortunately, I missed the first workshop I wanted to attend together with Justin that was ” I have a GrimoireLab dashboard. Now, what?”. Later on, I attended another workshop with Sachin that was about analyzing data produced by GrimoireLab with tools like Jupyter Notebooks. It was one of my favorite parts since lately I’m focusing a bit more on Data Analytics using Python. The last workshop I attended was about specific use cases solved with GrimoireLab capabilities, like social network analysis.

Small meeting…

In the end, Justin, Sachin, Brian, Remy, Rhea and I had a small meeting regarding the event we attended – sharing our thoughts about it, what we learned, what we can do about Fedora etc.